To:                  Ron Long, Assembly President

                        Members, Kenai Borough Assembly

Thru:               John J. Williams, Mayor

From:              Craig Chapman, Finance Director

Date:               June 8, 2006

Subject:           Ordinance 2005-19-55, Redirecting funds to pay travel costs associated with the new CAMA and tax billing system.


The Computer Aided Mass Appraisal (CAMA) and tax billing project is nearing completion. Previous appropriations for this project total $842,500. The contract with Manatron for design, implementation, and out of pocket cost for this project totaled $640,000 of which $66,000 was for out-of-pocket costs including travel. The design and implementation costs were a fixed amount while the out-of-pocket costs were an estimated amount. In the last year travel costs have increased over 50%. It is estimated that upon completion of this project out-of-pocket costs will be over $100,000.

As part of the FY2006 budget $84,960 was appropriated for licensing of the Manatron software. This was based upon the project going live in FY2005. The project was delayed until FY2006 and the first payment for licensing is now due in FY2007. The administration is requesting that this $84,960 be redirected to the General Government Capital Project Fund for appropriation to cover these increased out-of-pocket costs. It should be noted that the impact to the general fund is zero.


A retroactive effective date of June 30, 2006, is requested for this ordinance as it authorizes a transfer of FY2006 funds.