Kenai Peninsula Borough
Community and Economic Development Division
Quarterly Report of Key Economic Indicators for Period Ending September 30, 2004

Kenai Peninsula Borough Sales

KPB 3rd Quarter GROSS Sales by INDUSTRY - 1998-2004 - in $

  1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Annual Change
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 20,233,334 25,699,730 16,087,099 11,255,799 9,835,705 13,491,140 15,586,413 15.5%
Mining 40,256,046 22,762,273 36,716,025 35,734,043 26,316,221 30,366,980 35,697,405 17.6%
Construction 64,524,303 53,692,037 60,299,799 86,698,884 71,818,068 81,679,740 65,669,856 -19.6%
Manufacturing 45,399,624 60,059,506 33,825,248 65,102,674 56,768,859 66,216,357 94,791,639 43.2%
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 43,745,681 45,976,697 43,409,437 51,290,505 51,569,339 43,949,309 54,783,180 24.7%
Wholesale 45,909,746 48,350,292 56,037,950 56,184,195 57,145,760 60,869,241 55,255,444 -9.2%
Retail 164,323,030 171,652,352 180,944,050 194,647,260 197,931,550 201,243,992 222,289,119 10.5%
Finance, Insurance, 
Real Estate
13,737,280 15,295,826 13,546,324 16,356,861 15,232,549 16,067,882 16,553,963 3.0%
Services 81,307,137 87,382,828 92,517,906 101,338,912 110,061,191 108,796,801 119,412,778 9.8%
Government 11,654 5,353 1,781 7,371 4,290 12,192 9,184 -24.7%
Total 519,447,835 530,876,894 533,385,619 618,616,504 596,683,532 622,693,634 680,048,981 9.2%
Annual Change   2.2% 0.5% 16.0% -3.5% 4.4% 9.2%  

KPB 3rd Quarter GROSS Sales Ten Year Change by INDUSTRY - 1994-2004 - in $

      10 Year Change
  1994 2004 Percentage Numerical
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 26,759,538 15,586,413 -41.8% -11,173,125
Mining 35,667,390 35,697,405 0.1% 30,015
Construction 47,720,608 65,669,856 37.6% 17,949,248
Manufacturing 44,923,759 94,791,639 111.0% 49,867,880
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 76,517,434 54,783,180 -28.4% -21,734,254
Wholesale 26,439,539 55,255,444 109.0% 28,815,905
Retail 128,910,685 222,289,119 72.4% 93,378,434
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 12,713,594 16,553,963 30.2% 3,840,369
Services 59,638,746 119,412,778 100.2% 59,774,032
Government 1,746 9,184 426.0% 7,438
Total 459,293,039 680,048,981 48.1% 220,755,942

KPB 3rd Quarter GROSS Sales One Year Change by INDUSTRY - 2003-2004 - in $

      1 Year Change
  2003 2004 Percentage Numerical
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 13,491,140 15,586,413 15.5% 2,095,273
Mining 30,366,980 35,697,405 17.6% 5,330,425
Construction 81,679,740 65,669,856 -19.6% -16,009,884
Manufacturing 66,216,357 94,791,639 43.2% 28,575,282
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 43,949,309 54,783,180 24.7% 10,833,871
Wholesale 60,869,241 55,255,444 -9.2% -5,613,797
Retail 201,243,992 222,289,119 10.5% 21,045,127
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 16,067,882 16,553,963 3.0% 486,081
Services 108,796,801 119,412,778 9.8% 10,615,977
Government 12,192 9,184 -24.7% -3,008
Total 622,693,634 680,048,981 9.2% 57,355,347

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