Kenai Peninsula Borough
Quarterly Report of Key Economic Indicators for Period Ending September 30, 2005

KPB Sales

KPB YTD 9/30 TAXABLE Sales by INDUSTRY - 1999-2005 - in $
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Annual Change
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 2,819,203 3,290,269 3,569,750 3,620,376 4,038,077 4,543,346 4,874,201 7.3%
Mining 2,730,828 3,353,218 4,253,804 4,517,435 3,717,982 4,038,387 3,199,393 -20.8%
Construction 7,357,411 7,266,334 7,445,322 8,003,659 8,495,455 8,405,301 8,275,278 -1.5%
Manufacturing 7,336,740 7,806,312 7,886,389 7,816,529 7,379,306 8,093,611 7,817,044 -3.4%
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 57,677,741 58,455,005 58,762,803 64,157,165 61,689,992 61,716,824 67,933,763 10.1%
Wholesale 14,143,083 16,357,422 16,723,746 16,779,106 18,493,784 20,136,979 19,847,684 -1.4%
Retail 279,095,724 291,780,365 313,519,939 322,841,457 331,437,364 358,841,292 377,476,116 5.2%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 14,585,260 15,404,034 17,615,341 18,448,273 17,824,720 17,383,595 17,230,305 -0.9%
Services 109,801,892 114,374,411 118,074,505 122,937,553 123,144,617 132,838,047 137,115,230 3.2%
Government 25,165 15,103 19,116 18,849 33,191 31,303 35,623 13.8%
Total 495,573,047 518,102,473 547,870,715 569,140,402 576,254,488 616,028,685 643,804,637 4.5%
Annual Change   4.5% 5.7% 3.9% 1.2% 6.9% 4.5%  
KPB YTD 9/30 TAXABLE Sales Ten Year Change by INDUSTRY - 1995 v. 2005 - in $
      10 Year Change
  1995 2005 Percentage Numerical
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 2,703,856 4,874,201 80.3% 2,170,345
Mining 3,268,443 3,199,393 -2.1% -69,050
Construction 6,363,621 8,275,278 30.0% 1,911,657
Manufacturing 6,713,420 7,817,044 16.4% 1,103,624
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 48,860,495 67,933,763 39.0% 19,073,268
Wholesale 15,794,077 19,847,684 25.7% 4,053,607
Retail 239,804,942 377,476,116 57.4% 137,671,174
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 14,343,389 17,230,305 20.1% 2,886,916
Services 90,031,804 137,115,230 52.3% 47,083,426
Government 8,058 35,623 342.1% 27,565
Total 427,892,105 643,804,637 50.5% 215,912,532
KPB YTD 9/30 TAXABLE Sales One Year Change by INDUSTRY - 2004 v. 2005 - in $
      1 Year Change
  2004 2005 Percentage Numerical
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 4,543,346 4,874,201 7.3% 330,855
Mining 4,038,387 3,199,393 -20.8% -838,994
Construction 8,405,301 8,275,278 -1.5% -130,023
Manufacturing 8,093,611 7,817,044 -3.4% -276,567
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 61,716,824 67,933,763 10.1% 6,216,939
Wholesale 20,136,979 19,847,684 -1.4% -289,295
Retail 358,841,292 377,476,116 5.2% 18,634,824
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 17,383,595 17,230,305 -0.9% -153,290
Services 132,838,047 137,115,230 3.2% 4,277,183
Government 31,303 35,623 13.8% 4,320
Total 616,028,685 643,804,637 4.5% 27,775,952

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