Kenai Peninsula Borough
Quarterly Report of Key Economic Indicators for Period Ending September 30, 2005

KPB Sales

KPB Annual GROSS Sales by INDUSTRY - 1998-2004 - in $
  1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Annual Change
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 30,373,442 32,347,943 24,816,872 17,584,763 16,750,059 22,009,310 27,631,235 25.5%
Mining 190,689,442 115,241,075 121,868,065 126,250,792 113,521,181 106,561,739 165,354,111 55.2%
Construction 187,102,648 166,008,223 185,994,582 241,706,588 229,399,098 258,251,958 237,336,814 -8.1%
Manufacturing 147,360,433 165,066,528 117,856,947 287,725,053 201,047,383 199,442,339 170,708,461 -14.4%
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 159,766,641 169,321,042 156,272,089 173,246,581 172,554,610 158,372,166 193,924,248 22.4%
Wholesale 149,117,372 155,121,630 171,235,874 177,036,125 188,223,387 194,212,922 366,603,918 88.8%
Retail 547,202,550 545,752,691 580,370,933 633,597,773 625,008,358 644,637,228 699,837,432 8.6%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 50,782,517 51,186,806 50,390,903 54,153,772 54,924,793 58,320,708 64,665,993 10.9%
Services 211,144,805 220,251,298 235,820,173 256,185,223 276,510,185 279,281,223 310,768,193 11.3%
Government 26,751 28,814 17,350 20,316 22,579 41,980 35,105 -16.4%
Total 1,673,566,601 1,620,326,050 1,644,643,788 1,967,506,986 1,877,961,633 1,921,131,573 2,236,865,510 16.4%
Annual Change   -3.2% 1.5% 19.6% -4.6% 2.3% 16.4%  
KPB Annual GROSS Sales Ten Year Change by INDUSTRY - 1994-2004 - in $
      10 Year Change
  1994 2004 Percentage Numerical
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 55,520,292 27,631,235 -50.2% -27,889,057
Mining 124,428,885 165,354,111 32.9% 40,925,226
Construction 144,672,165 237,336,814 64.1% 92,664,649
Manufacturing 125,684,092 170,708,461 35.8% 45,024,369
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 216,882,266 193,924,248 -10.6% -22,958,018
Wholesale 88,960,238 366,603,918 312.1% 277,643,680
Retail 406,692,795 699,837,432 72.1% 293,144,637
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 55,375,125 64,665,993 16.8% 9,290,868
Services 165,995,597 310,768,193 87.2% 144,772,596
Government 10,251 35,105 242.5% 24,854
Total 1,384,221,706 2,236,865,510 61.6% 852,643,804
KPB Annual GROSS Sales One Year Change by INDUSTRY - 2003 v. 2004 - in $
      1 Year Change
  2003 2004 Percentage Numerical
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 22,009,310 27,631,235 25.5% 5,621,925
Mining 106,561,739 165,354,111 55.2% 58,792,372
Construction 258,251,958 237,336,814 -8.1% -20,915,144
Manufacturing 199,442,339 170,708,461 -14.4% -28,733,878
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 158,372,166 193,924,248 22.4% 35,552,082
Wholesale 194,212,922 366,603,918 88.8% 172,390,996
Retail 644,637,228 699,837,432 8.6% 55,200,204
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 58,320,708 64,665,993 10.9% 6,345,285
Services 279,281,223 310,768,193 11.3% 31,486,970
Government 41,980 35,105 -16.4% -6,875
Total 1,921,131,573 2,236,865,510 16.4% 315,733,937

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