March 31, 1992




The monthly meeting began at 1904 hours. Present were Ann Painter, Irene Lindquist, Mark Stauble, Jeff Estes, Rick Smeriglio and Ellen O'Brien.


Previous minutes were read and accepted.


Jeff E. initiated a discussion of how the Borough Plan relates to trails in our area. Rick S. asked how the group wanted to respond to the Borough's request for input on their plan. Irene L. expressed a desire to respond individually. Ann P. stated that the Borough wanted the Advisory Commission's input for the whole plan, not just the part pertaining to Moose Pass. Jeff E. suggested that comments on trails be submitted to the Borough, especially the request to not allow subdivisions to block access to trails or areas used for outdoor recreation. Ann P. suggested providing a map to the Borough showing trails that we would like protected. Irene L. offered to get maps and it was agreed for the group to offer one to the Borough complete with dedicated and proposed trail rights‑of‑way.


Rick S. initiated a discussion of schools. It was agreed to submit to the Borough a correction of the number of pupils at the Moose Pass School.


Rick S. was selected to write a letter of response to the Borough's request for input to their plan.


The group then began work on the Moose Pass Plan. Mark S. read his suggestion for water quality and sewage in Moose Pass. He suggested using an overhead projector for meetings where this information will be presented to the public for approval. Both ideas were well received by the group. It was agreed that DEC standards for septic systems and water quality should be considered minimum standards for Moose Pass.


Mark S. read his statement on economic development which was accepted.


Irene L. read her statement on land conveyance. It was agreed that she would collect the exact number of acres involved in each detail before submitting her final summary on the subject. General agreement was to request Borough input on land conveyance especially, because of its controversial nature.


Statements regarding tourism, toxic and hazardous substances, the Ball Diamond, the beetle infestation and schools were read and were accepted for the rough draft. The rough draft will be worked on at the next meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 2120 hours.