Kenai Peninsula Borough
Community and Economic Development Division
Quarterly Report of Key Economic Indicators for Period Ending September 30, 2004

Kenai Peninsula Borough Sales

KPB YTD 9/30 GROSS Sales by INDUSTRY - 1998-2004 - in $
  1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Annual
Agriculture, Forestry, 
26,505,916 29,932,359 23,411,329 15,619,297 14,697,049 19,556,802 21,834,091 11.6%
Mining 141,590,983 82,835,844 83,451,127 90,068,349 90,840,113 74,710,807 107,597,146 44.0%
Construction 131,736,746 116,222,435 131,599,154 177,837,815 164,632,268 192,368,990 136,523,309 -29.0%
Manufacturing 112,529,404 124,440,056 93,340,549 170,252,210 122,774,068 139,052,552 136,407,888 -1.9%
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 120,645,092 125,754,388 117,281,540 129,987,997 134,774,200 121,098,515 129,303,718 6.8%
Wholesale 113,804,432 117,814,212 133,701,371 136,283,498 140,813,502 147,629,417 147,668,730 0.0%
Retail 416,625,005 415,531,893 437,244,359 477,366,088 478,509,946 494,226,561 535,908,597 8.4%
Finance, Insurance, 
Real Estate
38,456,308 40,343,965 37,863,757 40,743,006 42,376,664 43,045,697 44,229,730 2.8%
Services 172,652,399 181,472,372 193,072,803 208,411,109 231,232,137 228,547,975 254,357,804 11.3%
Government 23,947 25,165 15,103 19,116 18,849 33,191 31,368 -5.5%
Total 1,274,570,232 1,234,372,689 1,250,981,092 1,446,588,485 1,420,668,796 1,460,270,507 1,513,862,381 3.7%
Annual Change   -3.2% 1.3% 15.6% -1.8% 2.8% 3.7%  
KPB YTD 9/30 GROSS Sales Ten Year Change
by INDUSTRY - 1994-2004 - in $
      10 Year Change
  1994 2004 Percentage Numerical
48,517,244 21,834,091 -55.0% -26,683,153
Mining 93,617,574 107,597,146 14.9% 13,979,572
Construction 102,385,359 136,523,309 33.3% 34,137,950
Manufacturing 98,711,018 136,407,888 38.2% 37,696,870
Transportation, Communication, 
Public Utilities
164,384,016 129,303,718 -21.3% -35,080,298
Wholesale 61,602,360 147,668,730 139.7% 86,066,370
Retail 309,388,359 535,908,597 73.2% 226,520,238
Real Estate
42,617,594 44,229,730 3.8% 1,612,136
Services 136,637,042 254,357,804 86.2% 117,720,762
Government 7,512 31,368 317.6% 23,856
Total 1,057,868,078 1,513,862,381 43.1% 455,994,303
KPB YTD 9/30 GROSS Sales One Year Change
by INDUSTRY - 2003-2004 - in $
      1 Year Change
  2003 2004 Percentage Numerical
Agriculture, Forestry, 
19,556,802 21,834,091 11.6% 2,277,289
Mining 74,710,807 107,597,146 44.0% 32,886,339
Construction 192,368,990 136,523,309 -29.0% -55,845,681
Manufacturing 139,052,552 136,407,888 -1.9% -2,644,664
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 121,098,515 129,303,718 6.8% 8,205,203
Wholesale 147,629,417 147,668,730 0.0% 39,313
Retail 494,226,561 535,908,597 8.4% 41,682,036
Finance, Insurance, 
Real Estate
43,045,697 44,229,730 2.8% 1,184,033
Services 228,547,975 254,357,804 11.3% 25,809,829
Government 33,191 31,368 -5.5% -1,823
Total 1,460,270,507 1,513,862,381 3.7% 53,591,874

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