Kenai Peninsula Borough
Community and Economic Development Division
Quarterly Report of Key Economic Indicators for Period Ending June 30, 2005

KPB Sales

KPB YTD 6/30 TAXABLE Sales by INDUSTRY - 1999-2005 - in $
  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Annual
Ag, Forest, Fishing 1,618,223 1,903,084 2,130,092 2,220,368 2,340,323 2,563,780 2,678,251 4.5%
Mining 1,701,296 1,987,867 2,577,296 2,966,852 2,404,111 2,130,172 2,115,004 -0.7%
Construction 4,372,902 4,353,592 4,393,270 4,714,971 5,188,611 5,139,211 5,115,231 -0.5%
Manufacturing 4,087,599 4,284,876 4,382,690 4,099,509 4,046,100 4,249,831 4,022,366 -5.4%
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 38,030,469 38,357,947 38,384,906 43,051,137 41,971,663 40,495,467 43,036,143 6.3%
Wholesale 8,746,060 10,022,041 10,400,395 10,462,384 11,390,544 12,492,818 12,318,487 -1.4%
Retail 160,203,329 167,703,226 182,360,553 186,304,973 192,401,051 205,540,046 215,105,985 4.7%
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 9,293,864 9,458,632 10,939,740 11,531,092 11,284,963 10,600,980 10,263,709 -3.2%
Services 53,943,980 56,565,623 58,753,041 60,292,562 60,298,460 63,695,410 64,286,395 0.9%
Government 19,812 13,322 11,745 14,559 20,999 22,119 23,716 7.2%
Total 282,017,534 294,650,210 314,333,728 325,658,407 331,346,825 346,929,834 358,965,287 3.5%
Annual Change   4.5% 6.7% 3.6% 1.7% 4.7% 3.5%  
KPB YTD 6/30 TAXABLE Sales Ten Year Change by INDUSTRY - 1995-2005 - in $
      10 Year Change
  1995 2005 Percentage Numerical
Ag, Forest, Fishing 1,540,220 2,678,251 73.9% 1,138,031
Mining 2,058,119 2,115,004 2.8% 56,885
Construction 3,701,319 5,115,231 38.2% 1,413,912
Manufacturing 3,677,718 4,022,366 9.4% 344,648
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 32,199,659 43,036,143 33.7% 10,836,484
Wholesale 9,724,367 12,318,487 26.7% 2,594,120
Retail 138,489,301 215,105,985 55.3% 76,616,684
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 9,093,252 10,263,709 12.9% 1,170,457
Services 46,365,687 64,286,395 38.7% 17,920,708
Government 6,033 23,716 293.1% 17,683
Total 246,855,675 358,965,287 45.4% 112,109,612

KPB YTD 6/30 TAXABLE Sales One Year Change by INDUSTRY - 2004-2005 - in $
      1 Year Change
  2004 2005 Percentage Numerical
Ag, Forest, Fishing 2,563,780 2,678,251 4.5% 114,471
Mining 2,130,172 2,115,004 -0.7% -15,168
Construction 5,139,211 5,115,231 -0.5% -23,980
Manufacturing 4,249,831 4,022,366 -5.4% -227,465
Transportation, Communication, Public Utilities 40,495,467 43,036,143 6.3% 2,540,676
Wholesale 12,492,818 12,318,487 -1.4% -174,331
Retail 205,540,046 215,105,985 4.7% 9,565,939
Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 10,600,980 10,263,709 -3.2% -337,271
Services 63,695,410 64,286,395 0.9% 590,985
Government 22,119 23,716 7.2% 1,597
Total 346,929,834 358,965,287 3.5% 12,035,453

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