Kenai Peninsula Borough
144 North Binkley Street     Soldotna, AK 99669
Phone - (907) 262-4441 or (800) 478-4441   or on the web

 TIMBER Industry


Historical timber industry data, which includes the industry classification #24 - Lumber and Wood Products, has not been a big player of the KPB economic scene. Employee earnings are generally slightly above the KPB average although wages during the mid 80’s were lower. During the late 80’s to early 90’s, wages were confidential due to the low number of participants. The number of employees in the industry is minimal. Data for 2002 and since cannot be trended with prior year data because of the switch to the NAICS system which provides different classifications.
Timber, KPB - Annual Average
Monthly Earnings in $
  Timber KPB
2006 1,721 2,997 
2005 2,837 2,929
2004 3,255 2,835
2003 2,788 2,756
2002 2,801 2,798
2001 2,665 2,732
2000 2,333 2,794
1999 2,554 2,543
1998 2,252 2,504
1997 2,556 2,504
1996 2,754 2,471
1995 2,679 2,476
1994 2,675 2,473
1993 2,772 2,458
1992 2,587 2,457
1991 * 2,444
Timber, KPB - Annual Average
KPB Monthly Employment
  Timber Sector KPB Total
2006 15 18,326 
2005 12 18,075
2004 36 18,043
2003 71 17,774
2002 65 17,628
2001 85 17,367
2000 112 17,317
1999 187 16,342
1998 190 16,586
1997 140 16,328
1996 159 16,110
1995 171 16,107
1994 107 15,816
1993 120 15,451
1992 147 ,
1991 100 14,376

Overview          Employment/Earnings          Participants          Sales

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